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Term Two Concludes

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our parents for your unwavering support of our school. The connection between home and school is incredibly strong and it makes all the difference. We appreciate your involvement and partnership and we look forward to building on this relationship even more in the future. Thank you for being such an integral part of our school community.

This term, it's been heartwarming to see students speaking life into their friends, offering words of encouragement, support, and positivity. These interactions create a nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and inspired to take risks and develop as a person. Together, these elements form the foundation of a vibrant and compassionate school culture that we want to build on.

I also just wanted to say a big thank you to our amazing staff for all your dedication, passion, and commitment to our school, our students, and families. Your hard work and enthusiasm truly make a difference every day, and we’re so grateful for everything you do to create a warm and inspiring environment. Thanks for being awesome!

Strategic Planning

During Term 3, we will begin developing a new strategic plan that will shape our school for the future. I am looking forward to inviting you to join us in its development by sharing your insights, ideas, and what you value for our school's future. Your feedback is important in ensuring that our strategic plan reflects the needs and aspirations of our entire school community. There will be opportunities for you to participate in surveys, focus groups, and planning sessions in the coming months. Our students will also provide their feedback and thoughts on what they value in our school. Together, we can create an inspiring and dynamic learning environment that prepares our students to thrive in an ever-changing world. We look forward to partnering with you on this exciting journey and are eager to see the positive impact it will have on our school and most importantly, our students.

Have a fun-filled break

As we head into the break, I hope you have the opportunity to create wonderful memories together. May this time be filled with joy, relaxation, and fun.

Thank you once again for your continued support. We look forward to welcoming everyone back for another exciting term on Tuesday 23 July.

Yours in Christian service


Brad Moss



This term our Learner Profile focus area has been… I am a Risk-Taker.

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

Risk-taking is a conscious or unconscious behaviour with a perceived uncertainty about its outcome and/or about its possible benefits or costs. Risk-taking is hard. It’s challenging and can force us into an area of discomfort. However, when we step out of this comfort zone, we often progress and develop far more than if we had stayed in the same place. When we take risks, we move one step closer to achieving our goals.

Our Learner Profile statements relating to risk-taking are:

I wonder in what areas you’ve taken a risk lately or in what ways we can encourage each other to take that leap. By taking a ‘risk’, we might just find our new ‘safe’.  

Thank you so much for your willingness to be part of our Working Bee last Friday. Many hands make light work and there was definitely an abundance of willing helpers. It was great spending time connecting over a meal following the hard work.  

Have a blessed week!


  • I can show resilience even when things don’t go my way.
  • I can bravely try new things.
  • I can learn from my mistakes.
  • I respond to challenges with perseverance.

mainly music

Mon 5 Aug


Wed 7 - Fri 9 Aug


Tues 23 July


Fri 5 July


Tues 27 Aug


Lunch time fun with crazy hair

Last day Term 1

YEAR K & 1

We have been busy learning lots of things in the K/1 room!

We have been learning about writing procedures. We wrote a list of all the things we need to do to get ready for school, then did a procedure about how to make fairy bread. Of course, first you have to make fairy bread!

In maths we have been learning about growing patterns. We found that skip counting is really just a growing number pattern. We also used the counting back strategy to solve subtraction problems, using a ladder to help us count back.

Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing holiday away from school routines,

Christine Biar

We also read to our grandparents on Grandparents’ Day!

The pre-schoolers loved our stories and we enjoyed having a play with them afterwards.

As part of our Christian Studies unit, we have been looking at how we can serve in the community. We decided that we would go to the pre-school and read some readers to the pre-schoolers.

As part of this, we read to the 4/5/6 students last week.

YEAR 2 & 3


Miss Ridley

Last week, 2/3 began to investigate mass. We used ‘hefting’ with our hands to estimate what objects were heavier before using the equal arm balance to find out how heavy our objects were. We used informal units of measurements including marbles to order objects from lightest to heaviest. For example, a glue stick was 7 marbles heavy while a calculator was 12.

4/5/6 Markets

This term for Christian Studies we have been involved in the ‘What’s My Business?’ PBL. The aim of our unit is for students to experience creating a business, reflecting on their successes/failures and to hopefully make a profit to serve others by donating to ALWS.

Groups have created a business to sell a product or service of their choosing and been involved in developing a business plan including vision and mission statements, costings, resources/equipment, projected profits, and a plan for making their business a success.

Our businesses included: Heavenly Sweet Treats, EZI Pizza, Footy Challenges, Seeker Frenzy, EMM Art Designs Face Painting and HR Miscellaneous Milkshakes.

It has been great to see the businesses in action this week, and it looks like students have made enough profit to grow their businesses in preparation for the community market day and increase their profits.

The students have found the businesses fun and exciting.

Lions Club Public Speaking Competition  

On Sunday 30th June we hosted the Henty Lions Club Public Speaking Competition, welcoming students from Henty Public and Pleasant Hills Public schools, along with four of our students from St Paul’s.

Students in the 3/4 competition presented prepared speeches about their favourite fairy tale or book character, while students in 5/6 shared about the most influential person in their life as well as presenting an impromptu speech entitled, 'Is life better as a country Kid?'

All students spoke well and represented our school with pride. Congratulations to Meg who was the winner of the 3/4 section and will go on to represent the Henty Lions Club at the regional competition next term, and to Tilly for being runner up.

Thank you to the Henty Lions Club for their organisation of the event, providing a wonderful afternoon tea and the great opportunity for our students to develop and showcase their public speaking skills.

Hollie & Felicity

YEAR 4, 5 & 6


Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the Earth!

Students in K-1 have explored beat, pitch, dynamics and tempo throughout the term. They have used body percussion and untuned instruments to perform beat patterns, while also telling stories using high and low sounds/vocal effects. Singing, moving, playing and dancing have been ways in which we have shown our understanding of loud/soft and fast/slow sounds.

Playing tuned percussion has been a highlight for students in the 2/3 class, while exploring the idea of pitch and melody in Music. They have repeated single-note, two-note and three-note melodic patterns, and experimented with creating their own compositions.

The 4/5/6 class has focused on the musical elements of pitch, melody and harmony in their Music lessons. They have had the opportunity to play tuned percussion instruments to explore riffs, chords and vocal and melodic harmonies. Students have also tried their hand at constructing musical arrangements and improvisations.

We hope to showcase some of our skills at our school concert next term.

What a joy it has been this term to see students grow in their skills and confidence in Music and share their joyful noise!

Felicity Habermann


We had such a lovely morning spending time with our Grandparents!

The 2/3 class lead our special Grandparents Day Chapel on Tuesday which was followed by a picnic morning tea. We enjoyed playing games, reading to our grandparents and showing them around the school.

Thank you to all our grandparents and family for joining us!


This semester, the SRC has been busy with a range of fundraisers including Zooper Dooper and Hot Chocolate Fridays, Crazy hair day, and a dress up day with the theme of ‘What you want to be when you grow up?'

Still to come tomorrow … Pyjama Day and movie afternoon.

Funds we have donated:

  • $50 to the Beanie Exhibition to assist with costs
  • $100 to the Community of Chinaka in Zimbabwe


Chapel is held each Tuesday morning at 9:20am in the School Hall.

You are always welcome!

Merit and Learner Profile Awards are presented.  

Week 9


Harvey, Adele & Shylowe were presented with Spirit Awards on Tuesday 2nd July.   Each student awarded is recognised by their peers and the staff as someone who has captured our Learner Profile in their work and actions during the term.

We are so proud of them!  Congratulations!  


On Friday 1st of September, Years 3 to 6 went to Yerong Creek for the Bernie O’Connor Carnival. We played with St Joseph’s, Culcairn and St Patrick’s, Holbrook. It was a great day!  The sun was shining, and everyone had lot’s of fun.

The 5/6 boys played footy and came 1st for the whole day. We played against The Rock and the score was 12 to 32. The 3-4 boys came 3rd in the whole day. Well done to the 5/6 and 3/4 girls playing netball who got runners up.

Well done to Ivan and Neve for playing with students they didn’t know.

Congratulations to Blake for winning the furthest kicking competition.

Thank you for the coaches and families who helped on the day.

By Micah Klemke,

Mud House Captain



5 August

19 August

2 September

There will be 2 staff members available to walk children from the schools to the Lifestyle Centre.The registration link is: https://forms.gle/uDoNnC7pqwi26GSe8