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What are you looking forward to? Maybe it is a holiday, a special celebration, a continuing good season, or even just some time to yourself. Maybe it is something bigger or longer term; a new job or career, or seeing your children grow into young adults and make their own way in the world.

What are our children looking forward to? We trust that they have much to look forward to and want them to look to their futures with confidence and optimism. However, in a world that is plagued by tensions, conflict and global challenges we can worry about the future and so can our children.

As much as ever, I think, our children need their families, schools and communities to be places of hope and optimism. Christian schools like St Paul’s can, and should, be places of hope. Lutheran schools are first and foremost Christian schools; places where God is at the centre and where we, as His followers, live in and under His promises. The Bible tells us about a faithful God who loves us, His creation, and who promises to always be present and who will work things for our good.

(Jesus said) ‘Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ Matthew 28:20

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and have been called according to His purpose.’ Romans 8:28

So be hope-filled. Yes, life in this broken world will have its uncertainties, struggles and hurts but trust and live in the promises of God. We have much to look forward to as we walk in faith. Our children need to see and hear that message.

God goes with us.


Some (other) reminders:

School families will have received an email with the link to the Perspectives Survey. Your feedback will help our school to review and further develop its programs. Please complete the survey before 20 August. If your family did not receive the email, please contact the school. Further information is included below.

And looking forward, Mr Moss will return from leave on Monday 21 August. Tuesday 15 August (next week) will be my last day at St Paul’s. I have really enjoyed being part of this school community and wish you God’s blessing as you continue to work and grow together.

Peter Weier

Acting Principal  


Friday Night Gathering

What a great night we had on Friday at our Gathering. It was another opportunity to connect and build relationships whilst listening to some brave individuals share and show vulnerability in a safe place. We will hold another Friday Night Gathering in Term 4. More details to come so that you can add it to your diaries soon.

Start of the Day

Just a reminder to all families that our school day begins at 8:55am. We know there are buses that arrive before this; however, I ask that if you drop your child to school or they walk, that they arrive no earlier than 8:55am unless organised prior with myself. This is due to supervision requirements. Thanks in advance.

Lions Club Public Speaking Competitors

New English Syllabus updates

This term our 3-6 teachers are trialling a new Spelling program that aligns with the new English syllabus that is to be implemented across all schools in NSW in 2024. Sound Waves can be a whole school program, however, we are looking at implementing it in our senior classes only, due to our recent change to InitiaLit in our junior classes. This approach is also well suited to composite classes and differentiation.

The program is informed by research on the best practices or teaching spelling. The program incorporates four main teaching areas that align with the new syllabus:

  • Phonemic awareness: the ability to work with phonemes.
  • Synthetic phonics: phonics instruction that involves teaching phoneme–grapheme relationships.
  • Morphology: knowledge of the meaningful parts of words: prefixes, suffixes, and Greek and Latin roots.
  • Etymology: understanding of word origins and history.

If you would like to watch a short video to hear a little more please click on the link… Sound Waves Spelling Features - Firefly Education

Sporting opportunities and the importance of exercise

This term we are fortunate to welcome Lachie as our hockey coach over a 5-week period. Lachie will be working with Kinders to Yr 2 students and Year 3-6 students for an hour each session. He will be teaching the fundamental skills associated with hockey, rules and other important information about the game itself. We have been able to purchase new hockey equipment as part of a Sporting Schools grant. The first lesson was a huge success and we look forward to the remaining sessions throughout the term.

The other opportunity is for our Year 2-6 students. Year 9 students from St Paul’s College Walla Walla are running three Rugby sessions for our students. Last week was the first session and from all reports, both the College and our students enjoyed themselves and the chance to learn a new game.

Team sports teach us so many things. Ranging from collaboration, problem-solving, boosting self-esteem to the many physical health benefits of sports. Please have a look at the link from School TV to find out more about the importance of physical activity and exercise. Physical Activity & Exercise | St Paul’s Lutheran Primary School - Henty (schooltv.me)

Have a blessed week!


Our school is using the Perspectives: Your school in focus suite of surveys developed by AISNSW to support our school improvement endeavours. The information gathered will assist in furthering the growth and development of our school community. We will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

These surveys have been specifically designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of stakeholders’ perceptions of five important areas: School Environment, Teaching and Learning, Student Wellbeing, Leadership and Community. All staff, students, parents/guardians, leaders and board members will be invited to participate.

The surveys were emailed earlier this week, and will be available from 7th August to 20th August. The surveys are conducted online, taking approximately 15- 20 minutes to complete. The survey link has been distributed via email to all from ‘evidence@aisnsw.edu,au’ on behalf of the school.

Your input and contribution are important to the success of our continuous school improvement process as we aspire to improve the learning experience for everyone at our school.

For any enquiries about the surveys please contact the school for more details.



mainly music

Mon 21 Aug

mainly music

Mon 4 Sept

mainly music

Mon 18 Sept


Fri 25 Aug


Tues 29 Aug


Thurs 14 Sept


Wed 13 Sept


Sun 10 Sept

Year 5 & 6 SPEECH EXAM

Thurs 7 Sept

YEAR K & 1

What an amazing time was had last Monday 31st July.

It was the 100th day that Kinders had been at school and reason enough to celebrate!

All K/1 students and teachers dressed up as 100-year-olds. We need a special parking bay for the walking sticks! We made cookies the Friday before and enjoying eating them.

We also did lots of activities based on the number 100 – a number chain with 100 links, designed a crazy 100 monster, found the number 100, counted to 100, decided what we would and wouldn’t like to have 100 of, brought sandwich bags filled with 100 of something and played snakes and ladders to 100.

This Monday, 7th August, we welcomed Shaeley Brown to our classroom. Shaeley is doing a 4 week placement with us as part of her Bachelor of Education studies through the University of New England. We look forward to getting to know her better.

On Friday 4th August we were blessed with a visit from some ladies from St Paul’s Lutheran Church Women’s Fellowship.

They shared their Bibles with us, we sang a song together, and then we read some books together.  It was a lovely afternoon, and we hope to do it again.

On Tuesday the K/1 presented chapel. We presented the parable of the Lost Sheep.

I think you will all agree that they make very cute sheep and again did a wonderful job with presenting chapel. Well done!

Mrs Christine Biar

YEAR 2, 3 & 4


Hollie, Felicity & Debbie


YEAR 5 & 6

5/6 have been super busy this term!

From rehearsing for Toy Story to rugby and hockey coaching!

At the end of last term, the Year 6 Leadership Team raised $72.60 for Hands at Work. The day involved students dressing in casual clothes and a movie afternoon with popcorn. Well done Year 6!

Many blessings,

Miss Katie Ridley


This term our focus is on Drama, and we are well under way with preparations for Toy Story!

Our main characters in Years 4-6 have been busily rehearsing scenes, with the remaining Years 2-4 students popping in for theirs. It has been great to watch the development of our students’ performances as they have progressed from reading the script to knowing (most) of their lines and being more animated in their movements and actions.

We are looking forward to rehearsing with the AMAZING props being created by our dedicated St Paul’s community.

To inspire the K/1 students who have been less involved in rehearsing at this stage, we have watched some ‘How to Draw’ Toy Story character videos and created some INCREDIBLE artworks.

Felicity Habermann



TUESDAY @ 9:15am - Service Concludes with Weekly Awards


Week 5:  15th August  Hollie Kinning  

Week 6:  22nd August  Pastor Darryl Shoesmith  

Week 7:  29th August Father’s Day Service - Brad Moss

Week 8:  5th September  Pastor John Borchert

Week 9:  12th September  Sports Captains and Hollie Kinning Service concluded with end of term 'St Paul's Spirit Awards'


10th September@ 10:30am Family Service

St Paul's Lutheran Church


Week 3:  

Week 4:  


Despite the passing showers, a great day of competition and sportsmanship was enjoyed by all.

Well done to all students on their efforts throughout the day, and congratulations to Mundawadra on being House Champions for 2023.

Congratulations to our Age Champions

Junior Girls – Harriet

Junior Boys – Simeon

Senior Boys - Aiden

We also had a number of students break records on the day, including:

Michael (7 years boys) – 200m

Annabel (7 years girls) – 200m and 400m

Harriet (8 years girls) – 200m, 800m and long jump

Simeon (9 years boys) – high jump (equalled the record)

Mahliq (9 years boys) – discus

Aiden (12/13 years boys) – discus

A massive thankyou to St Paul’s College for once again providing and preparing us a venue for our carnival, and the amazing students who helped run events throughout the day.  



Congratulations!! We are proud of you all!

Paul Kelly Cup Highlights!

‘It was fun to play with my friends and play well together’


‘Getting two choccy milks for being best on’


‘My highlight was that we made it to the grand final’


‘It was a good experience to be under the stadium lights with all your mates’


‘We got to play with our friends and I had fun playing Paul Kelly Cup for the first time this year’


‘My highlight is when we were in a group huddle and were supporting each other’


‘It felt like we were professional football players when we played at the big stadium under the lights’



The RAS Athletics Carnival was held on Tuesday 1st August at Les O'Brien Athletics Complex in Albury and St Paul's had a participating team.  

Notably, Aiden Cunningham won first place in the discus and Blake Klemke came 3rd in shot put. A big congratulations to them and thank you to the whole team for their effort.

Congratulations to Aiden who has now qualified to participate in the CIS Athletics Team.  Well-done Aiden!  

A special thank you to Monty Willis, Kerri Klemke and Megan Klemke who helped out with the long jump and to all the family supporters who encouraged our students.

Thank you also to Felicity Habermann for her organisation and attendance at the event.


Author Visit: Debra Tidball

Wednesday 16th August

10.00 am  Henty

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Every Tuesday afternoon during the school term - 4:00pm  - 4:45pm
Join Lucas for Lego Club to build on your own or create a group project.

Everyone is welcome         Cost: FREE

TERM 3 Sessions

7th August

21st August

4th Sept

18th Sept