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Please know that I am 100% committed to St Paul's for the remainder of 2024. There is still much work to be done and I am fully dedicated to our vibrant school community in the months ahead.

Thank you for your support and partnership. I look forward to making the most of the rest of this year with all of you.

Our Dedicated P&F

An ENORMOUS thank you to our amazing P&F for your time and efforts at this year's Henty Field Days! A special mention to Kerri Klemke, plus Andrew and Rachelle Cunningham for their guidance, organisation and leading the team! It was such a fun event to be part of.

Dear St Paul's Families,

Mixed Emotions

It is with a mix of sadness and excitement that I have made the decision to accept a new role as Principal of Victory Lutheran College, beginning in 2025. While this new opportunity brings a sense of anticipation for the journey ahead, it is also incredibly hard to say goodbye to an amazing school community.

St Paul's is a truly special place. The fantastic parent community, the amazing students and staff who are always focussed on placing the students first. I feel blessed to have been your Principal.

The Wonderful Mrs Hollie Kinning

I wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt thanks to Hollie for her fantastic leadership as Deputy Principal over the past three years. Hollie’s commitment to enhancing student wellbeing, her focus on contemporary learning and building a positive culture within the staff and entire school community has left a lasting impact.

Hollie, as you embark on this exciting new journey in your first Principal role at Lutheran School Wagga Wagga, may God’s blessings be upon you, Paul, Elijah, Meggie, and Thea as you step into this new chapter.

Holiday Break

The work hard/play hard motto comes into action as the term break arrives. It is an important time for both students and staff to have a change of pace and reenergise. From all of the St Paul’s staff team, we pray for a fun and safe term break and we look forward to seeing you all back in Term 4.

Psalm 121:7-8: "The Lord will keep you from all harm— He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."

Yours in Christian service


Brad Moss



Yours in service,


As I set out attempting to write what is my final ‘Happenings with Hollie’ entry, I’m struggling to find words to explain the emotions I’m feeling. Thinking back to the end of 2021 when it was announced that there would be a Full Time Deputy Principal begin, I never would have imagined finding the hidden gem that is St Paul’s Lutheran Primary School, Henty.

I was listening to a podcast on my drive to work this morning from the Imperfects where Nathan Buckley is being interviewed. If you’re a podcast listener, I really recommend you tuning in. It’s fascinating listening to others’ stories and learning about the things that have shaped their lives.

One thing that really jumped out at me this morning listening to Buckley, was how he spoke about relationships being the key element of a community. I couldn’t agree with this more! I think it’s one of the most special things about this St Paul’s community. St Paul’s is so wonderful because of the people and the connections that have been here for years. There is such strength in that and I have felt such joy being part of it for the last three years.

We are designed by God to connect with others. This community is such an authentic example of living out God’s will. It’s a place, full of parents and students who love one another and value each other. I will certainly miss this school; the parents, the staff and the students.

It has been an honour and privilege serving this community. I have so many memories that I will be forever grateful for. I have loved and will cherish teaching and learning alongside such amazing young people. I’m so going to miss the students of St Paul’s; their characters, their individualities, discovering what makes them tick and seeing the lightbulb moments are memories I’ll always have.

I thank the staff for their support. In a small school, it’s so important to stick together and the laughs and learning will certainly be staying with me.

I want to thank you for the trust you have placed in me and my role at St Paul’s. I have felt that trust every day, through the conversations and the support offered. I feel all the richer and blessed beyond measure for having had the opportunity to serve St Paul’s and the people who make it so real and authentic.  

May our heavenly Father continue to bless you and your wonderful little people richly through the next phase of St Paul’s. Life is a journey and certainly an adventure.


Wed 16 Oct


Tues 15 Oct

mainly music

Mon 21 Oct


Thur 26th Sept


Fri 27 Sept


Lunch time fun with crazy hair

Last day Term 1

YEAR K & 1

What a great day we had on Monday on our K/1 excursion. As we were looking at the past in our History unit, we headed off to the Jindera Pioneer Museum and inspected all the old things that they had. We all agreed that we prefer our own homes compared to how they lived a long time ago!

We even played an old fashioned game of quoits. Then we headed to the playground (not old!!) for lunch and a play.

On our way back to Henty, we stopped at Walla Walla to look at the Lutheran Church, which is almost 100 years old. We looked at all the items that are in a traditional church. This linked into our Christian Studies unit, looking at the Christian church, and what we need to worship God – nothing, really! We can worship God anywhere!

Then we climbed up Morgan’s Lookout to take in the view. All the K/1 students had a wonderful day. Thanks to Bek Lubke for coming along with Mrs Phelps and myself.

On Wednesday we welcomed our new Kinders for 2025. We had a fantastic time with the theme Old McDonald Had a Farm.  We are all looking forward to our next Kinder transition on Wednesday 25th October with the theme of monkeys!

Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing holiday.

Christine Biar

YEAR 2 & 3


Miss Ridley

1.       Ask R U OK?

2.       Listen

3.       Encourage action

4.       Check in

We all enjoyed a ‘Chupa Chup & a Chinwag’ in the 2/3 classroom.

On the 12th of September, we learnt about R U OK Day and the 4 steps to take when starting an R U OK conversation:

We have creative authors and illustrators in the 2/3 class! For our mini PBL unit, students are publishing a children’s picture book that teaches young readers about numbers and maths. Some of our stories are called ‘Ten Little Dinosaurs’, ‘The very hungry farmer’, ‘How to make dad laugh’ and ‘One Monkey in Space’. We cannot wait to read them to the K/1 class!

With Field Days last week, it’s been a strange couple of weeks in the classroom. This week however, all students have enjoyed getting stuck into our maths investigation:

The task was to design a 2000-seat sports stadium. Students needed to use maths skills including multiplication and division strategies as they designed a stadium with the correct dimensions for their chosen sport, and consider how to arrange the seating. It required critical thinking to explain how they calculated their seating capacity for 2000 spectators and demonstrate how their stadium will comfortably seat the spectators.

We then extended the task and students became engineers and builders as their stadiums came to life!  It’s been a challenging task as they considered the measurements of each seat, how many in each block, the leg room between each chair, the length of the walkways and other necessary parts that need to be included in the stadium.

We pray you have a wonderful break with your families over the next two weeks and come back ready to go for Term 4!


Hollie & Felicity

YEAR 4, 5 & 6


The school concert on the 30th August was a huge success.  The students rose to the occasion and they confidently presented what they had been diligently working on during the term. A big thank you to the staff and students for the effort, creativity and humour!


We had such a lovely morning spending time with our Grandparents!

The 2/3 class lead our special Grandparents Day Chapel on Tuesday which was followed by a picnic morning tea. We enjoyed playing games, reading to our grandparents and showing them around the school.

Thank you to all our grandparents and family for joining us!


Congratulations to the wonderful students who have received the Spirit Award for Term 3.

One student from each of the three classes are acknowledged and recognised for displaying our Learner Profile qualities both in and out of the classroom.


K-3 were given the opportunity to sing at the Ladies Guild meeting. We were also able to thank them for providing money to purchase a school set of Bibles.

We look forward to a continued connection between the school and the church.


On Friday 1st of September, Years 3 to 6 went to Yerong Creek for the Bernie O’Connor Carnival. We played with St Joseph’s, Culcairn and St Patrick’s, Holbrook. It was a great day!  The sun was shining, and everyone had lot’s of fun.

The 5/6 boys played footy and came 1st for the whole day. We played against The Rock and the score was 12 to 32. The 3-4 boys came 3rd in the whole day. Well done to the 5/6 and 3/4 girls playing netball who got runners up.

Well done to Ivan and Neve for playing with students they didn’t know.

Congratulations to Blake for winning the furthest kicking competition.

Thank you for the coaches and families who helped on the day.

By Micah Klemke,

Mud House Captain



21 October

4 November

18 November

2 December