Term 4 Start
Term 4 has begun strongly with our staff attending a full day of PD on Monday 14 October at St John’s. We began with devotion and moved into our half-day AISNSW focus on disability legislation and supporting students. The last session was led by Dave Shrowder and Craig Lieschke from CHAMPS Surveys, leading staff through completing the 2024 Staff Wellbeing Survey. The feedback data will provide guidance on how we best support the amazing staff team at St Paul’s.
ACEL Conference
Throughout the term break, I attended the 2024 Australian Council of Educational Leaders (ACEL) conference in Adelaide. It was an outstanding conference with several keynote speakers reinforcing the need for reimagining education in Australia to capture the engagement of students. It was encouraging to know we are on the right path at St Paul’s with our contemporary approach and the desire to create purpose and engagement in our learners.
Finishing Strongly
2025 will be a new chapter in my professional journey, as I transition to Victory Lutheran College as Principal. Thank you to the families (and students) who have passed on their support and well-wishes for this new adventure. There is always a tension of being torn between staying in a role I thoroughly enjoy and feel a deep sense of connection to the community, versus beginning a new chapter in my leadership journey in a new school.
I am completely confident in our school’s continued growth in learning and ability to provide a strong learning environment where student wellbeing is at the core of what we do. We have staff who support each other, and we have a strong leadership team who will continue to drive the positive school culture forward as the board undertakes the recruitment process for the new principal.
I am looking forward to a fun term celebrating the fantastic kids and staff I get to work with at St Paul’s.
Yours in Christian service
Brad Moss
God's blessings,
Christine Biar
It has been so lovely to come back to school after the holidays and see the students being so enthusiastic and excited about school and seeing their friends again. We hope they never lose this attitude!
Just a reminder that hats are required every day during Term 4. Please remind your students that they cannot play out in the sun without their hat.
Learner Profile Focus
This term our Learner Profile Focus is Collaboration. By definition, collaboration is the action of working with someone to produce something. This is a skill we would like all students to be able to achieve. A major focus for this will be when our Year 6 students again take on the leadership roles for Peer Support groups. They have already started planning for this.
Congratulations to our new SRC representatives for Term 4:
They have already started work, with a meeting this week to plan some events for the term.
World Teacher’s Day
Friday 25th October is World Teacher’s Day. We thank God for the amazing, dedicated teachers we have at St Paul’s. They really are treasures!
Tues 19 Nov
Tues 19 Nov
mainly music
Mon 4 Nov
mainly music
Mon 18 Nov
mainly music
Mon 2 Dec
Wed 6 Nov
P&F MEETING @ 7:30pm
Wed 6 Nov
Wed 20 Nov
Fri 22 Nov
Tues 10 Dec
Tues 3 Dec
Wed 11 Dec
Lunch time fun with crazy hair
Last day Term 1
In Science, we are looking at the different materials that objects are made from and looking back to the materials’ original state. Using our natural curiosity, we explored how wood was turned into paper and how sand becomes glass. We are even going to make our own recycled paper.
During our staff devotions, we pray for all the students and adults that have an association with St Paul’s. I mentioned this to the class, and they decided that they would like to pray for all the school as well! So now every day during prayer time, we pray for the staff and students of St Paul’s. I hope everyone feels blessed through prayer!
On Wednesday we enjoyed another Kinder transition session. This one was all about monkeys and the classroom was filled with jumping, singing, dancing monkeys!
We had a great time with Justin and Dan last Wednesday during our Dance Ministry session. These guys are so energetic and enthusiastic about praising God through dancing.
We have been looking at position and spatial terms in maths. It was a great chance to use the beebots and try to program them to follow a path. Such fun!
Christine Biar
Miss Ridley
This week, 2/3 LAUNCHED into our new PBL unit!
We created catapults to launch marshmallows as an example of a lever. Our unit investigates ancient and medieval simple machines. We will be exploring levers, wheel & axles, incline planes, pulleys, screws, and wedges. This links to our Science outcome on forces and energy.
4/5/6 have launched into term four and our PBL unit ‘Marvellous Machines’. Students were shown a video about catapults and then tasked with creating a catapult from paddlepop sticks, blutack, skewers, tape and rubber bands. The challenge was set to launch a marshmallow as far as possible. Throughout our unit, we will explore applied force, gravity, air resistance, buoyancy, tension and elastic force through practical investigations.
We were blessed to have ‘Jumping’ Justin and ‘Dancing’ Dan from Freestyle Dance Ministry share their stories and how they praise God through Dance.
The school concert on the 30th August was a huge success. The students rose to the occasion and they confidently presented what they had been diligently working on during the term. A big thank you to the staff and students for the effort, creativity and humour!
We had such a lovely morning spending time with our Grandparents!
The 2/3 class lead our special Grandparents Day Chapel on Tuesday which was followed by a picnic morning tea. We enjoyed playing games, reading to our grandparents and showing them around the school.
Thank you to all our grandparents and family for joining us!
Week 2
Tuesday's @ 9:20am in the hall
Week 3 - K / 1
Week 4 - Year 2 / 3
Week 5 - Year 4 / 5
Week 6 - Brad Moss
Week 7 - Ps Darryl Shoesmith
Week 8 - Year 6 & SPIRIT AWARDS
K-3 were given the opportunity to sing at the Ladies Guild meeting. We were also able to thank them for providing money to purchase a school set of Bibles.
We look forward to a continued connection between the school and the church.
On Friday 1st of September, Years 3 to 6 went to Yerong Creek for the Bernie O’Connor Carnival. We played with St Joseph’s, Culcairn and St Patrick’s, Holbrook. It was a great day! The sun was shining, and everyone had lot’s of fun.
The 5/6 boys played footy and came 1st for the whole day. We played against The Rock and the score was 12 to 32. The 3-4 boys came 3rd in the whole day. Well done to the 5/6 and 3/4 girls playing netball who got runners up.
Well done to Ivan and Neve for playing with students they didn’t know.
Congratulations to Blake for winning the furthest kicking competition.
Thank you for the coaches and families who helped on the day.
By Micah Klemke,
Mud House Captain
21 October
4 November
18 November
2 December