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We had a full house at Chapel last week for Grandparent’s Day! It was an extremely fun event as we honoured our Grandparents and the elderly people who have a positive impact in our lives.

I am extremely grateful that I was raised with grandparents being in my life. As many people aren’t as fortunate. One of my fondest memories is the relationship I had with my Pa. There was a very strong bond that began early as a toddler as he used to carry me everywhere on his shoulders. So much so, he was named ‘The Taxi.’ He was a strong man who always made time for family. A true gentleman, respectful, wise, strong, a fire fighter who had to live through being a POW. I look back on his impact and I only hope to have the same relationship to inspire my own grandkids.

The Importance of Grandparents and Elderly People in Our Lives

Yours in Christian service


Brad Moss


Discussing War and Conflict

In the last newsletter, I discussed some ways to talk through the challenging information in the media on the conflict in Gaza. SchoolsTV has just released a report that provides more information for families to help respond to your child if the discussion arises. Click on the link for more information.

SPECIAL REPORT: Discussing War & Conflict | St Paul’s Lutheran Primary School - Henty (schooltv.me)

I encourage all of our Grandparents and Grandparent figures to speak life and wisdom into your grandkids as we work together to develop our students at St Paul’s.

Grandparents play a significant and often underestimated role in the lives of grandchildren. Their importance can be seen through providing a source of love, warmth, and emotional support. They can be a source of comfort, reassurance, and stability, especially in times of stress or family challenges.

Passing down wisdom and values is one of the greatest powers a grandparent can have! They often have a wealth of life experience and wisdom to share. They can pass down family traditions, cultural values, and important life lessons that help shape the character and values of the younger generation.

The importance of grandparents cannot be overstated. They offer love, guidance, and a sense of continuity to their grandchildren, contributing to their emotional and social development and enriching their lives in numerous ways. Grandparents play a vital role in the broader family structure, and their influence can have a lasting impact on the well-being and character of their grandchildren.



This week and next, are assessment weeks at school. The end of the year is a good time to stop and reflect on what our students know and what they still need to learn. Assessment not only tells us what students can and can’t do, but informs teachers of future directions and learning opportunities. We assess in many different ways throughout the year, albeit informally (through observations and anecdotal note taking) and formally through set diagnostic reviews. One method of assessment we utilise is an online program called Essential Assessment. This is a Numeracy and Literacy whole school improvement model aligned to the new NSW K-10 Syllabus. Essential Assessment makes formative and summative assessment an easy process aligning to each school’s teaching and learning programs and differentiated approach to diagnostic testing.


Tuesday at chapel I shared a message on Servant Leadership. This notion of leadership prioritises the growth and well-being of others, in which the goal is to serve. We have a pretty good example of what this type of leadership looks like, which was set for us by Jesus. Sent to this earth to walk amongst us, ‘…not to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many,” Mark 10:41-45.

Our current Year 6 team have done a tremendous job as our student leaders for 2023 with many opportunities to lead our school throughout the year. It was wonderful to listen to our Year 5 students share with the school their thoughts and ideas about leadership and why they would like to be a leader in 2024. I congratulate the following students for their roles… Mitch and Eden as Captain and Vice-Captain plus Zoe and Beau as our sports captains for 2024. In chapel, I also shared about the message of not needing a badge in order to lead and serve those around us. There are many different ways in which we can be a leader and we look forward to working with all of our Year 5 students in 2024 as we continue to develop our leadership skills.

Next year, we will be investing in all our Year 6 students and join together with other Lutheran schools in our region (Lutheran School Wagga, St John’s and Victory) as we spend a day together learning about leadership through a Christian lens. More details to come early next year, but it is guaranteed to be a great day!

Teachers' Day

Teachers’ Day was officially on 27th Oct, however we celebrated Teacher’s Day today, a week late, at school. The staffroom table was set and the teachers received a little gift to say ‘thank you’ for all that they do to contribute to our school.

Showing gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improves health and builds strong relationships. Saying ‘thank you’ is a great sign of respect for another person. Saying thank you not only is good for others, it’s also good our own health and happiness.

Again, to the teachers here at St Paul’s I say, ‘Thank you!’ Thank you for your time, your energy and enthusiasm and your willingness to go above and beyond for our students. You are all such a blessing to our school family and I thank you for all you do.




mainly music

Mon 6 Nov

mainly music

Mon 20 Nov


Fri 3 Nov


from 27 Nov


Tues 28 Nov


Wed 15 Nov


Wed 29 Nov


Tues 7 Nov

As a school we realise the amazing blessing the Henty Machinery Field Days Co-Operative offers us. The opportunity we are given each year to raise funds for our kids is huge. Belinda Anderson and her team out on-site help make a big task manageable, and we extend our thanks to Belinda and the whole HMFD team.

A huge thank you must go out to all our school families, relatives and friends who helped us with the HMFD catering. Not only is it a profitable three days, it's also a great chance to spend time with friends and family in our school community. Thank you for giving your time to make it as enjoyable and successful as it was.

We are so pleased to let everyone know we raised just under $26,000!! Once again going far above our expectations, and it's only possible when we all work together.

At our recent P&F meeting we decided to put $15,000 towards replacing a section of soft fall with synthetic grass, and over the summer holidays we will also see a new addition to the playground - an outdoor table tennis table! Great things are happening and it's fun to be a part of positive changes.

The other special event the P&F have been involved in this term was the success of Operation Christmas Child. Would you believe we didn't order enough boxes, y'all are just so generous!

St Paul's students worked together and between the generosity of our families and friends we have 30 boxes to drop off!  Small School - Huge Heart.

Thank you so much for participating in this worthwhile cause.

Kerri Klemke


YEAR K & 1

The K/1 class had a great morning spending time with their grandparents and special friends last Tuesday.

We are really into our jigsaw puzzles at the moment, and loved finishing the puzzles with our visitors. There was such a sense of achievement when a puzzle was finished!

I am so impressed with the progress the Kinders are making with both reading and writing. Have a look at their amazing sentence writing!

On Wednesday we had another awesome Kinder Transition session. This time we were exploring the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

We made hats and necklaces, did fingerprint counting and sequenced the story. So much fun!

Blessings for the week ahead,

Christine Biar

YEAR 2, 3 & 4


Hollie, Felicity & Debbie

Maths in 2/3/4 has been all about 3D spatial structure the last couple of weeks.

Students have been constructing shapes, describing their features and naming shapes, e.g. pyramids, prisms, etc. We have even linked our Visual Arts to 3D shapes to create some impressive artworks.

Our selfie sticks are still happening… Here are three fairly recent pictures of students who have been proud of their work!

The Year 6 students began Peer Support last week which was a huge success! Our Year 6’s did a fantastic job leading and teaching their groups. There were many fun activities scavenger hunts, team challenges and dancing.

Well done Year 6!

5/6 went on a day trip to Woomargama lookout last Friday. We were joined by James Phelps, who was part of the project.

He led the students through some engineering and math activities including finding the angle of the walkway. We then made a quick stop at the Holbrook Submarine for an icy pole! A big thank you to James for his insights into engineering and to Kerri and Vodeen for driving.


Miss Katie Ridley

YEAR 5 & 6


The chickens have had a lovely time exploring the school lately.

They really want to become part of the school community! They have been checking out the multipurpose court, the sandpit and were even ready to line up and join Mrs Kinning's class!


Chapel - Tuesday @ 9:20am

Sharee Wilson

K / 1

Nat Stroh

Pastor John

Year 6

 7 November

14 November

21 November

28 November

5 December

12 December - Graduation & Awards Evening Service 6:30pm

This term's Learner Profile focus is...

'I am collaborative'

ASCA certificates given to speech students by Mrs Grace Stein

Week 3

Week 4


Thanks to the hard work of our students and families selling tickets for the P&F Major Raffle, we were able to raise an amazing $1,380!

A huge Thank You must also go to our donors, without your support we'd have no raffle. There was a slight change in the location for the accommodation and meal voucher due to unforeseen circumstances but we are very confident our winners will still enjoy a night out!

Congratulations to our prize winners!

1st Prize Trailer Load of Wood donated by Monty & Em Willis of Willis Works - Jasmine Willis

2nd Prize 4.1L Tupperware Casserole Dish donated by Debbie Zweck - Kerri Klemke

3rd Prize $270 Voucher for use at Siesta Resort, Albury donated by Lester Farming - Anthony & Lyn Lieschke

4th Prize Gift Hamper donated by school families and friends - Andrew Cunningham


What a beautiful blue-sky day for a parade celebrating books.

Thank you for all the effort from parents and students to get in the mood for reading and fun!


On Friday 1st of September, Years 3 to 6 went to Yerong Creek for the Bernie O’Connor Carnival. We played with St Joseph’s, Culcairn and St Patrick’s, Holbrook. It was a great day!  The sun was shining, and everyone had lot’s of fun.

The 5/6 boys played footy and came 1st for the whole day. We played against The Rock and the score was 12 to 32. The 3-4 boys came 3rd in the whole day. Well done to the 5/6 and 3/4 girls playing netball who got runners up.

Well done to Ivan and Neve for playing with students they didn’t know.

Congratulations to Blake for winning the furthest kicking competition.

Thank you for the coaches and families who helped on the day.

By Micah Klemke,

Mud House Captain


mm 2022 03 21

TERM 4 Sessions

16th October

6th November

20th November

4th December

Below is a link for expressions of interest for Dec/Jan 2023/2024 Vacation Care at the Henty OSHC.  

Please get in touch if you are interested.
